Aloe Berry nectar health benefits

Aloe Berry Nectar‘s Health Benefits
Aloe Berry Nectar contains all of the nutritional compounds found in our Aloe Vera Gel – plus the added benefits of cranberry and apple. Why are cranberries so good? Besides their sweet flavor and distinguished urinary tract cleansing abilities, cranberries supply vitamin C and provide a natural source of pycnogenol, a powerful antioxidant that is particularly useful in maintaining collagen. Why is collagen so important? The formation of collagen is vital for the growth and repair of body tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth. That’s no small feat! Think of it as the glue that holds the body together… literally.Aloe Berry Nectar also contains apple juice concentrates along with its cranberry concentrates. Apple juice is known for its vitamin A and C content, as well as its potassium and pectin. Also, apples contain a larger quantity of phosphates than any other fruit or vegetable. So why is vitamin C so important? First, the body cannot store vitamin C so you must consume between 200-400 mg daily; some sources even recommend a daily intake of up to 500 mg. Vitamin C is key for immune support, fighting free radicals, and heart and eye health. That’s no small order!
Why are phosphates and vitamin A so important? According to the Linus Pauling Institute, phosphorus is an essential mineral that is required by every cell in the body for normal function. Vitamin A is necessary for normal functioning of the immune system. Once you digest the weight of that information, you won’t need to be reminded to take your daily serving of Aloe Berry Nectar!!
Let’s not forget the real reason to drink Aloe Berry Nectar… the stabilized aloe vera gel, of course. And why is aloe vera gel so important? Aloe vera provides natural support for the immune system and digestive system, along with its naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. Aloe vera gel includes trace amounts of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid and niacin – all vitamins which the body cannot produce. Drink Aloe Berry Nectar and build the body’s defense system naturally.
Aloe Berry Nectar also provides trace amounts of calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc. Now that’s a mouthful of minerals! What better way to keep your body in the shape it deserves. Your skin, will utilize these nutrients full of antioxidant capabilities. Your body needs the daily replenishment, and your body’s tissue cells, gums, blood vessels, bones and teeth will thank you too.
- Keep it together with Aloe Berry Nectar goodness. Shake well and drink daily!
Aloe Berry Nectar with discount
Aloe Berry Nectar is not sold in stores, you can buy it here through Aloe Online Store. Receive 15% discount on orders of 100$ or more. For details please visit: Forever Living Discounts.
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