How to ease cold and flu symptoms with natural supplements?
When you wake up sneezing, coughing, and have that achy, feverish, “cannot move a muscle feeling”, you could have flu or cold. While cold symptoms can make you feel bad for a few days, flu symptoms can make you feel quite ill for a few days to weeks.
At the first sign of a sniffle, turn to these supplements, which can help to boost your immune system and help you with a speedy recovery. Or better still, adopt a good maintenance program to prevent cold and flu.
Try these supplements during cold and flu
- Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera makes a great addition to cold or flu defense regime. Aloe Vera’s Antraquinone Complex is known for its anti-microbial and pain relieving properties. Besides, Aloe Vera’s Acemannans act as immune stimulants, which can help to strengthen the body’s immune system to combat cold and flu. Take half a glass of Aloe Vera Gel three times a day, when you are down
with cold or flu, to help you to recover faster.
with cold or flu, to help you to recover faster.
- Forever Garlic Thyme
Garlic offers several antioxidants that battle immune system invaders. The pungent cloves contain Allicin, a naturally powerful antibiotic that helps to boost the body’s immune cell activity, thus fending off bacteria, viruses and fungi. Garlic combined with thyme can be helpful for people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, mild sore throat, cold, flu, coughs and other respiratory infections. Taking 3 to 4 tablets of Forever Garlic-Thyme a day can help to strengthen body’s immune system, and reducing the cold and flu symptoms.
- Forever Absorbent-C
As soon as you notice cold or flu symptoms, start taking 1 to 2 tablets of Forever Absorbent-C every 2 hours. Vitamin C helps to shorten the duration of a cold; it also acts as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory to help dry up a runny nose and improve immune function.
- Forever Bee Propolis
Bee Propolis is a natural antibiotic. It is useful for alleviating upper respiratory infections by stimulating the body’s immune system response. Taking 4 to 6 tablets of Forever Bee Propolis per day will help combat cold and flu symptoms.
It is important to drink sufficient water and rest well to ensure speedy recovery.
These products are not sold in stores, you can buy them online. Please enter retail store to buy products to increase your breast milk. Receive 15% discount on orders of 100$ or more. For details please visit: Forever Living Discounts.
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