Why You Should Load Up on Protein in the Morning
It's time to add another voice to the ongoing debate of whether or not breakfast is an absolute must when it comes to weight loss. Seventeen grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up." While 17 grams sounds like a lot to manage in one sitting, starting the day like this is essential for weight loss, staying lean, and powering through the day.
Our nutritionist explains that while asleep the body is in recovery mode and essentially fasting. Once we get up and start moving, we're running on empty. If the body isn't nourished quickly, our nutritionist says, it starts holding onto fat and burning muscle instead, which is a less-than-ideal scenario whether you're trying to tone up or slim down. Muscle is essential for burning fat — the less you have, the slower your metabolism. In essence, your body's calorie-burning potential slows down, she says. And while no one can accuse one of my customer of being a carb-hater, she puts an emphasis on protein in the a.m., because it's what gives the body the boost of energy it needs to perform at its best. Also adds that giving the body a good dose of energy-sustaining protein in the morning helps stave off fatty cravings throughout the day. All in all, it adds up to an energized, leaner you.
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