A Look at Kim Kardashian's Diet
After struggling with getting the baby weight off, it looks like Kim Kardashian has found her stride. In the May issue of Harper's Bazar, we get an almost hour-by-hour rundown of the reality star's life. Between the selfies, meetings, video chats with her sisters, and playtime with North, a picture of health emerges.
6 a.m. . . . The first person I talk to is Kanye because he's right there next to me in bed. I'll say, "Do you want to go for a run?" And he usually does. Or he won't because he has a workout, so we'll just talk about that, then kisses.
On Kim's running playlist? It's not Kanye. Instead Kim opts for classical and R&B because anything else just slows her down, she says. Workouts last about 90 minutes or so with time spent running and then strength training. While Kim used to a big fan of the gym, she now skips it for home workouts, which allows her more time to spend with North. So far, so good.
And while Kanye isn't always up for a run, he's definitely making sure the Kardashian-West household is eating healthy. It's probably of no surprise that they aren't cooking for themselves; but who in Hollywood doesn't have a personal chef or meal-delivery service these days? Welcome to the good life.
8 a.m. . . . Kanye loves to eat really healthy and is always on different diets. He has a chef who comes in the morning and cooks breakfast for both of us and gets our meal plans together for the day. We just started seeing a nutritionist who changes our diet every 10 days.
On the menu is a lot of protein and vegetables and not a ton of carbs. Breakfast for Kim is usually oatmeal, scrambled eggs, or a protein shake with fruit. Lunch (1 p.m.) and dinner (7 p.m.) are some version of fish or chicken with vegetables. Low-carb and protein-heavy — you won't see many health nuts taking issue here. We are going to raise an eyebrow over with her version of dessert though.
3 p.m. If I need a sweet-tooth fix, I'll have those Justin's peanut butter packs; the almond butter is also really good. I'll just eat it plain. I used to drink a ton of iced tea, but I've cut back. I had the craziest addiction to Equal — I'd put 10 Equals in every iced tea. My sister Kourtney would always say, "You can't have that much sweetener!" I've trained myself to have just one iced tea a week, and I'm down to three Equals.
Three Equals aside, Kim does say she occasionally splurges on ice cream — Haagen-Dazs Dulce de Leche to be exact.
Source: Instagram user kimkardashian
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